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QMSR and ISO 13485:2016: what’s in the new FDA regulation?

At last! It’s happened! The FDA has announced the date for the publication of its new Quality Management Syste...

5 min read

An A-Z of Medical Device Development; Acronyms, Regulatory & Technical Terms

The regulations and literature surrounding medical device development are packed with acronyms and technical t...

9 min read

QSR Compliance: What’s inside FDA 21 CFR Part 820?

The FDA’s Quality System Regulation (QSR) for medical device manufacturers is commonly known as FDA 21 CFR Par...

5 min read

Should you use Microsoft software to build your own digital QMS?

SMEs creating a digital Quality Management System (QMS) will often reach for the most familiar tools to build ...

5 min read

How is Software as a Medical device (SaMD) regulated by the FDA?

Does the fertility tracking app you are developing count as a medical device? What about the imaging software ...

5 min read

What’s the plan? A seamless product realisation process for ISO 13485

So, you’ve had your brilliant idea. You know what kind of medical device you want to build. You have a vision ...

4 min read

What are the FDA's requirements for CAPA (Corrective And Preventive Action)

Having a repeatable procedure for Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) is a key FDA requirement for medical...

4 min read

What is 21 CFR Part 11? FDA requirements explained

WTH is FDA 21 CFR Part 11? That’s a question many medical device developers wanting to access the US market mu...

5 min read

The FDA submission process: 510K vs PMA. What’s the difference?

How can medical device developers gain FDA approval for their devices and permission to sell their product int...

4 min read

How can you get your FDA 510(k) submission right first time?

Developers who want to release a medical device in the US need to seek permission from the FDA. Depending on t...

4 min read

DHF, DMR and DHR. Demystifying FDA medical device development requirements

DHF, DMR, DHR… to the uninitiated they might sound like out-of-town furniture stores or airport codes for exot...

4 min read

Implementing Medical Device Design Controls for ISO 13485 and FDA 21 CFR 820

30 years ago the FDA introduced robust new requirements for medical device design control following a string o...

5 min read

A 21 CFR Part 11 checklist: 7 key FDA e-signature requirements

How does your organisation authorise, authenticate, document and police the use of electronic signatures withi...

4 min read

Bionic pigs are not enough. How to win med-tech investment if you're not Elon Musk

When Elon Musk unveiled his ‘bionic pig’ in an on-line event in September there was much hype and more than a ...

3 min read

Digital Signatures: New MHRA guide clarifies remote approval requirements

A lot of us have been challenged by remote working lately, whether it’s the back ache acquired from working on...

4 min read

CBD, GMP and GdocP; quality management in the cannabis industry

Around the world different rules apply for the cultivation, manufacture and sale of cannabis and CBD products....

6 min read

How to talk to the FDA

I am a former FDA staff member and now back in the private sector. If you are in Regulatory Affairs, you are i...

2 min read

Why the FDA want Proactive Quality Management Systems

Reports from the U.S. tell us the FDA is continuing to prioritise Proactive Quality Management in the medical ...

3 min read

How digital signatures can help secure regulatory compliance

Digital signatures are proving valuable tools for businesses developing products for release in highly regulat...

3 min read