A walkthrough of the different link types, using a small test gBMS site
About this video
There a several different kinds of hypertext link that you can embed in your gBMS menu buttons (via the Menu spreadsheet) or web pages (via Visio source files). They allow you, for example, to link to Cognidox documents and categories, display PDF files and pop-ups, or link out to external web sites.
This video walks you through examples of each type of link, showing them in action. Later videos explain how the links are constructed.Useful links
Check out the following pages in the Cognidox online help:
- Using hyperlinks
- Defining the Menu spreadsheet
- gBMS tutorial
- Managing security profiles (the video mentions this in passing, in relation to restricting access to a test gBMS site)
- Using document holders
What next?
- Part 6: Explains in detail how to organise the menu buttons along the top of your gBMS Home page.