How do I learn about the Cognidox gBMS?

Introducing the articles and videos

Your gBMS homepage is your company's Intranet, the place employees go when they want to find something, or know how to do something. By the end of this series of articles, you'll be able to manage your own gBMS, customising it to suit your own company's purposes.

There are ten videos in all. Take your time, and work through each one carefully. You'll probably want to revisit the articles, as there's an hour's worth of material to get your teeth into. 

Tip: You can also take a deep dive into the workings of the gBMS in the Cognidox online help. As well as explanations and reference material, there's a handy tutorial.

Here's a list of what's included in this series:

01: Introduction

Tom Gaskell goes over some gBMS basics.

02: Behind the scenes

This article is a brief discussion of the way web pages are generated from Visio files, for display in the gBMS, and how links and navigation work. It also talks about how Cognidox files (such as Word and Excel documents) can be displayed as PDFs within the gBMS web interface, how users can download files directly from a gBMS web page, or go directly to a Cognidox category.

03: Intro to links & security

You use different link types to allow users to view and download documents, among other things. This article gives a brief introduction. Parts 5 & 6 go into the details. 

04: Menu buttons

An introduction to the gBMS navigational system. This article explains how the structure of the menu spreadsheet creates the menu button hierarchy (there are more details in parts 5 and 6). 

05: Links in action

There a several different kinds of hypertext link that you can embed in your Menu buttons and Visio source files. They allow you (for example) to link to Cognidox documents and categories, display PDF files and pop-ups, or link out to external web sites. This article walks you through examples of each type of link, showing them in action.

06: Editing the Menu spreadsheet

How to create and organise the menu buttons along the top of your gBMS Home page. This article tells you how to construct the hyperlinks in the spreadsheet to make things work.

07: Developing your gBMS

How to use draft documents to allow a select group of users to preview your development work without affecting your live site.

08: Customising your gBMS

How to modify the supplied gBMS to create your own version. Here's where you embed your own hyperlinks and create pop-up windows. Use the inline editor to create documents in Cognidox. Use Visio to edit a gBMS page and include a link to a Cognidox document.

09: Linking to Cognidox categories

An explanation of how to find and reference unique category IDs in gBMS links.

Part 10: Hints and tips

This video explains how to make the gBMS play nicely! There are a few things to bear in mind to ensure smooth operation.