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8 Tips for Effective SOP Documentation

There are many reasons why organisations need to document their SOPs. From ensuring uniformity in end products...

4 min read

The Pros and Cons of Phase Gate Processes in New Product Development

Will a phase gate process hold back or enhance your new product development? What are the pros and cons of sta...

5 min read

The Evolution of Quality Management Systems: A Path to Business Growth

A focus on a quality management system shouldn’t just mean a ‘box ticking’ exercise for an organisation. And i...

4 min read

The Pros and Cons of Virtual Collaboration for Product Innovation

Colocation was one of the central tenets of the Agile manifesto, but times have changed. With all the new digi...

5 min read

The Power of eQMS: Elevating Your Quality Management System

If you want to develop a Quality Management System that meets the regulation and powers your commercial succes...

4 min read

12 Virtual Team Collaboration Tool Issues to Address

As your computer waits to load up Teams, Zoom, Slack, Accello and countless other collaboration apps every mor...

3 min read

The Art of Accidental Innovation: Tales of Discovery and Success

Can product innovation really happen by accident? Penicillin, Viagra and the humble Post-It note were all famo...

4 min read

7 Common Mistakes in Business Process Modelling Projects

Companies often embark on business process modelling projects with the best of intentions. Modelling may be a ...

3 min read

Knowledge Through Information Management in ISO 9001- part II

In Part 1 of this series we considered the problem of reinvention, the unstructured nature of information, and...

5 min read

Success Story: Cognidox Client DisplayLink Acquired for $407M

The US human interface company, Snyaptics Inc announced this week that they are acquiring DisplayLink Corp in ...

2 min read

Navigating Remote Collaboration Challenges in the Covid-19 Era

One of the things Covid-19 has shown us, is that the digital agility of an organisation can mean the differenc...

3 min read

Navigating NPD to NPI: The Power of Flexible Stage Gating

Developing a robust stage gate process is a vital part of many new product development (NPD) and introduction ...

3 min read

8 Essential Drivers for Successful New Product Development

For most high tech companies, developing profitable new products is their entire reason for being.

3 min read

Understanding Organisational Knowledge in ISO 9001:2015

One of the areas included in the ISO 9001 :2015 is 7.1.6 Organizational knowledge. The stated requirement is: ...

2 min read

Mastering the NPI Process: Key Factors for Success

Managing an NPI process can be fraught with difficulty as each new initiative brings with it the potential for...

4 min read

Quality Management Lessons from NASA's Space Race

In 1969 quality management was truly the final frontier in the space race. As NASA engineers developed unique ...

4 min read

Enhancing Product Releases with an Extranet: 9 Key Strategies

Issuing a tech product release or a software update can be a challenging process. Handled badly it can result ...

3 min read

Quality Management Vs Compliance: Understanding the Key Differences

For many companies, compliance is, at best, regarded as a necessary evil, and at worst a never-ending ordeal. ...

3 min read

Closing the Scale-up Gap: Business Model Canvas Essentials

In part one of this series we argued that one key ingredient for a successful scale-up company is optimisation...

5 min read

Closing the Scale-up Process Gap: A Structured Approach

Our opening post on this theme introduced the problems that companies face as they transition from start-up to...

4 min read

Building an Effective QMS Your Team Will Love

One of the main challenges of implementing a Quality Management System (QMS) is ensuring it is actually used f...

3 min read

Closing the Process Gap: A Key Challenge for Scale-Up Companies

It seems everyone is talking about Scale-up companies these days. The term has been around since 2013 (see for...

5 min read

4 Signs You Need Business Process Mapping

Business Process Mapping could be the first step you take towards creating a more efficient, profitable and qu...

4 min read

The Power of Graphical Business Management Systems for SMEs

Adopting a Business Management System (BMS) is a well-established way to manage and control all the processes ...

4 min read

Unlocking the Power of Visualising Risk-Based Thinking

If you’ve been focused on improving your company’s Quality Management System it’s likely you will have encount...

4 min read

The Rising Threat of Whaling: Protecting Your Organisation from Fraud

The CEO, CFO, COO of a company: the people in charge, the brains behind the whole organisation. If not totally...

3 min read

The Key to Efficient Audits: Graphical QMS and documented information

A gQMS will help with internal and external auditing requirements - leading to ISO certification in less time ...

3 min read

Maximising Value from Documented Information in Your QMS

Documented information in a Quality Management System (QMS) - and why it's time for a radical overhaul of how ...

3 min read

Can You Trust Your Ex-Employees with Company Data?

It's one thing to ask whether companies truly trust their employees with company information, but I think most...

2 min read

Enhancing Information Findability with Enterprise Search

Continuing the theme of projects that can change the way your company works, in this post we'll look at the to...

3 min read

Optimising Product Releases with CogniDox: A Guide for Efficiency

In this blog I want to start a new theme - projects that can change the way your company works. All companies ...

3 min read

Why SharePoint Deployments Fail: The Business vs IT Dilemma

The AIIM organisation has just published the results from their annual Microsoft SharePoint survey. The sample...

2 min read

The 'R' in CRM: Why Your Business Needs It

Here are five business scenarios that might benefit from a software solution:

3 min read

Why File Sharing is not Document Management

We spent a few hours this week looking at a couple of CRM software solutions and the features they offer.. We ...

2 min read

Unveiling XtraNet: Revolutionising Document Management and Control

We launched our new XtraNet product yesterday and there was a short interview about the new service over at th...

2 min read

Using a Web Archive Document Type for Quality Management Systems

Recently we announced a case study with a partner, Primilis, in which they used a CogniDox feature to implemen...

1 min read

Maximising Savings: Open Source CRM Solutions for Success

Gartner published one of their Hype Cycle reports for CRM Sales a few days back. There's a useful summary on t...

1 min read

The Importance of Product Management in Startups: Insights from a VC

Last night was the Cambridge Product Manager Network 'gala event' - a special meeting before the summer break ...

2 min read

The Open Source Business Model: Pricing Strategies and Success Secrets

For over a year, I've been following a great series of blog posts by Tarus Balog (founder and main mover of th...

2 min read

Insight into the $245 Billion Worldwide Enterprise Software Market

In a previous blog we threw around some total-size-of-market numbers. Today I see that Gartner has just releas...

The Importance of Document Management for Unassisted Support

A few days back I upgraded to version 4 of the Mozilla Firefox browser because I wanted to test the new user i...

3 min read

Enhancing Integration: CogniDox and Bugzilla 4.0 Integration Guide

You’re a software development leader who takes managing an application lifecycle seriously. You’ve spent time ...

2 min read

Market Domination Strategies for Startups: Insights from Dharmesh Shah

Dharmesh Shah is a serial entrepreneur who is currently involved with They have just announced $3...

2 min read

The Psychology of Software Pricing: A Masterful Overview

This month's Cambridge Product Management Network meeting covered the topic of software pricing. The presenter...

2 min read

Information Security Lessons from Wikileaks: A Closer Look at SIPRnet

The release of 260,000 US embassy messages by Wikileaks this week is certainly generating headlines. I don't k...

3 min read

The Importance of Software Risk Management and Source Code Access

There was an interesting piece of news this week from the NCC Group plc, an information assurance specialist t...

1 min read

The Search Dilemma: Lost Documents in the Digital Workspace

IT Reseller Magazine is today reporting a survey by Networked Planet (an Enterprise Search software company ba...

2 min read

On BizSpark and Microsoft Development

We recently released CogniDox 8.1 and amongst the new features was a CogniDox Word Add-in.

3 min read

Measuring the Benefits of Enterprise Software: Insights and Strategies

There was an interesting survey published just over a week ago - Axios Systems, an IT services management soft...

1 min read

Open Source Enterprise Search is a Hot Topic

We published a paper just two days ago on open source Enterprise Search tools such as Lucene/Solr and Xapian/F...

1 min read

Building Software in-House – Why?

I came across a survey by Cadence Design Systems, the electronic design automation (EDA) company, in which the...

2 min read

Unveiling the Truth: CMS Vendor Checklist Reactions

A month or so back one of the CMS vendors (Day Software AG) posted a blog entry in which they invited (as in t...

1 min read

Adopting a line of Miro source code

Miro, an open-source video aggregation site using VLC media player, has a novel idea for generating funds. The...

1 min read